About Us

Drizzlemag is a website(blog) related to technology and stuff. Our website will tell you about all the latest cool things in technology and provide you with all the news related to technology with no biasness. We are an experienced team of talented people who put their full potential into bringing you information about technology and things you love about the same.

We break down everything to make things easier for you and the people non – technical readers. We put our best into engaging technical geek speaks to bring you with best online services.

Along with teaching about technical terms, we also review products to tell you what’s good and not.

People looking to purchase high-tech tools which are confused about them can also refer to our guides, which will help you immensely and help You make a decision.

Our only purpose is to serve customers who can be anyone, such as ordinary working men, business and IT professionals, women, and kids interested in technology.

We aim to cover everything under the roof of technology that may, including information technology, programming, business, robotics, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and many more.

We keep an update on our website, so you don’t have to worry about anything and get only new information. We are still putting in a lot of effort to improve our website so it can reach a greater extent and help many more people.